Intimate Connections

By September 2, 2014Relationships

Here is a list of some of the most important areas that must be tended to in a relationship in order to strengthen the connection between two people.

EMOTIONAL INTIMACY: We share our deepest feelings with each other.

SEXUAL INTIMACY: We express warmth and tenderness towards one another and physically connect with each other in sexual and non-sexual ways.

FINANCIAL INTIMACY: We share common financial values and goals.

COMMUNICATION INTIMACY: We are open and honest with each other and we listen respectfully to one another.

INTELLECTUAL INTIMACY: We share thoughts and ideas with each other.

SPIRITUAL INTIMACY: We understand what is essential to each other and seek to bring out the best in each other as we create meaning in our lives.

CONFLICT INTIMACY: We are willing to express, discuss, and negotiate our differences and ensure that there is room for both of us in the relationship.

CRISIS INTIMACY: When problems, pain, and tragedy occur, we turn towards one another, and work together to cope with the difficulties we are facing.

RECREATIONAL INTIMACY: We enjoy having fun together and share interests.

WORK INTIMACY: We share the load of life and work together to accomplish the tasks of daily living.

CREATIVE INTIMACY: We share in creative endeavors to generate objects and experiences that are an expression of each of us as individuals and as a couple.

ESTHETIC INTIMACY: We share experiences of beauty and joy.

Shirley Vandersteen, Ph. D.
Registered Psychologist